Tuesday, 17 May 2022


During the first quarter of 2022, 6,915 cases of Gender Based Violence were reported Countrywide compared to 4,254 recorded in the first quarter of 2021 showing an increase of 2,661 cases translating to a 62.5%.From the total number of 6,915 reports recorded 4,740 were Criminal cases while 2,175 were non-criminal cases translating to 68.5% and 31.5% respectively.


The First quarter of 2022 Gender Victim Disaggregated Data indicates that 1,769 child victims were abused countrywide representing 25.6% of which  1,284 were girls representing 72.6% while 485 were boys representing 27.4% while  ,4,058 women and 1,088 men were abused  representing 58.7% and 15.7% respectively.


Gender vulnerability, a total number of 5,342 were females representing 77.3% while 1,573   were males representing 77.3% and 22.7%.


During the period under review, Victim Support unit counselled a total number of 5,724 or 82.8% of which 4,053 or 70.8% counselled were under criminal cases while 1,671 or 29.2% were counselled under the non-criminal offences. Out of the 4,053 criminal cases reported, 2,579 or 63.6% were victims comprising of 384 or 14.9% men, 1,456 or 56.5% `women, 150 or 5.8% boys and 589 or 22.8% girls. 1,474 or 36.4% were offenders in which 231 or 15.7%were men, 792 or 53.7% women, 94 or 6.4% boys and 357or 24.2% girls.


Under non –criminal offences a total number of 1,671 were counselled in which   918 or 55% were women, 367 or 22% were men and 193 or 11.5% were boys and girls respectively.


Under Physical Abuse, a total number of 2,641 cases were recorded translating to 55.7% compared to 2,403 cases recorded in 2021 showing an increase by 238 cases or 9.9% increase.


1,071 Economic Abuse cases were recorded translating to 22.6% compared to 932   recorded in 2021 showing increase by 139 cases or 14.9% increase.  764 Sexual Abuses cases were recorded translating to 16.1% compared to 713 cases recorded in 2021showing an increase by 51 cases or 7.2% while 259 were Emotional Abuse cases translating to 5.5% compared to 201 cases recorded in 2021 showing an increase by 58 cases or 28.9%.


Lusaka Province recorded the highest GBV cases with 1,108 translating to 23.4%, followed by Copperbelt Province with 662 cases translating to 13.9% while Tazara Division recorded the lowest GBV cases with 44 cases translating to 0.9%  and  Statistics from the rest of the Provinces were  as follows; Central Province  had 611 cases translating to 12.9%, Eastern Province 532 translating to 11.2%, Western Province 511 cases translating to 10.8%, North-Western Province 41 cases translating to 8.7%, Southern Province 311 cases translating to 6.6%, Mchinga Province 263 cases translating to 5.5%, Northern Province 141cases translating to 3%, Airport Division 90   cases translating to 1.9% and Luapula  Province 56 cases translating to 1.2%.


During this period under review, 764 Sexual offenses were recorded representing 16.1% of the cases reported compared to 713 cases reported in 2021 showing an increase by 51 cases translating to 7.2%. Out of these 764 cases, 567 victims were girls translating to 74.2%, 184 victims were women translating to 24.1%, 10 victims were boys translating to 1.3%, whilst 03 victims were men translating to 0.4%.


540 cases of Child defilement were recorded translating to 70.7%

Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of child defilement cases with 145 cases translating to 26.9%  followed by  Eastern Province with  92 cases translating to 17 %, Southern Province had 89 cases translating to 16.5%, Central Province 60  translating to 11.1%, Copperbelt and North-Western Provinces recorded 45 cases each translating to 8.3%, Northern and Western province recorded 22 cases each representing 4.1%  while Mchinga Province recorded 15 translating to 2.8%,  Luapula Province recorded 05 representing 0.9%, Airport and Tazara Division didn't record any cases.


Under Sexual Offences; 106 rape cases were recorded while 20 cases of attempted rape were recorded during the period under review.  49 cases of indecent Assault were recorded  of which 31 victims were women, 15 girls one man and two were boys also  20 cases of incest were recorded in which four victims were girls and 16  were women.


Under Physical Abuse,we recorded 2,641 cases translating to 55.7%, 460 victims were men translating to 17.4%, 1,925 cases were women translating to 72.9% ,112 were girls translating to 4.2%, 144 were boys translating to 5.5% compared to  2,403 cases recorded in 2021 first Quarter showing an increase by 238 cases translating to 9.9% increase.


Out of 2,641 Physical Abuse cases reported 2,305 were Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm representing 87.3%, 1,878 were women translating to 81.5% while 427 were men translating to 18.5%.


Four cases of Grievously Bodily Harm (G.B.H) were recorded involving 02 men and 02 women translating to 50%. 19 Murder cases were recorded translating to 0.7% compared to 05 cases recorded in the 2021 showing an increase by 14 translating to 73.7%.


Out of 19 cases of murder recorded, men and women recorded 09 victims each translating to 47.4% while 01 victim was a boy translating to 5.2%. 02 cases of attempted murder were recorded comprising of women only compared of one case recorded in 2021 showing an increase by 01 case translating to 50% increase.  2, 305 cases of Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm cases  have been recorded compared to 2,031 cases recorded in 2021 showing an increase by 274 cases translating to 13.5% increase.


Lusaka province recorded 526 cases of Assault OABH country wide translating to 22.8%, Central Province recorded 389 cases translating to 16.9%, Eastern Province recorded 272 translating 11.8%, Western Province recorded 265 representing 11.5%, and North-Western Province 45 cases representing 10.6%, Mchinga Province recorded 179 representing 7.8%.


Southern Province recorded 163 cases representing 7.1%, Copper belt Province recorded 121 cases representing 5.2%, Northern Province recorded 74 cases translating to 3.2%, Tazara had 42 cases representing 1.8%, Luapula Province recorded 23 cases at 1%, and Airport recorded 06 cases at 0.3%.


Concerning Human Trafficking cases ,Police recorded three  which  comprised of two girls translating to 66.7% and one adult  translating to 33.3% compared  to one case recorded in  2021  showing an increase  by two  translating to 66.7%.


Under Economic Abuse, 1,071 cases were recorded translating to 22.6%,  464 cases of Failing to Provide Necessaries of life and 455 cases of Neglecting to Provide Necessaries were recorded translating to 43.3% and 42.5%.


Further, under Emotional or Psychological abuse, 259 cases were recorded translating to 5.5%. 102 cases of the use of Insulting language was recorded, 19 men, 81 women and two boys. A total of 62 cases of threatening Violence were recorded in which 17 men and 45 women were involved translating to 27.4% and 72.6% respectively.


From the 4,740 criminal GBV cases reported ,989 cases representing 20.9% were taken to court  and 142 convictions have been secured  translating to 14.4%,  four  acquittals or 0.4%, 33 withdrawals or 3.3% and 810 or 81.9% are pending cases in the courts of law .


Rae Hamoonga



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