I was 12yrs old when I came to understand that Men felt entitled to my body. My natural instinct was then to hide it, so it doesn't get taken against my will, but with the attainment of puberty, came broader hips and a bigger backside.
The stares I got and constant cat calls I received from Men, filled me with a sense of fear and shame over my body parts. I began to envy my mates who had no hips and flat asses. They could wear whatever they wanted without attracting unwholesome attention.
But No!! my body won't let me move about in peace. It kept bringing trouble my way. It was because of my body Grown Men kept staring at me that way, a lot of them old enough to be my father. It was because of my hips, they cat called. It was because of my ass, they dragged and pulled at me and tried to touch me indiscriminately.
It was my body's fault and invariably my fault that Men felt aroused around me and wanted to take advantage of me. My body had betrayed me and kept betraying me and so I had to hide it. It was my duty to conceal my hips, to hide my back side, to cover my curves with big T.shirts and bogus clothes.
But what did it change? Nothing!!! My world dictated to me how to present my body in protection of Mens' sexual desires. They wrapped it in the word "decency" and yet it changed absolutely nothing.
They wanted me regardless and would stick their hands under my bogus T-shirts to grab my ass the first chance they got. Then I understood that "decency" was a hoax. My body wasn't indecent. My clothes weren't indecent. These idiotic randy irresponsible men were the indecent ones. So I LIBERATED myself by defining decency on my own terms.
Dear curvy girl child, I conquered and trust me you can too...... 

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