Friday, 22 November 2024

Zambian Child Trafficked to Mozambique Successfully Repatriated

By Annie Zulu

The Zambian Government has announced the successful repatriation of a one year eight months old child who had been trafficked to Mozambique.

Addressing the press, Ministry of Community Development and Social Services Permanent Secretary Angela Kawandami expressed relief and pride in the safe return of the child, who was reportedly trafficked from Lundazi District in October 2023.

The case was promptly reported to the Lundazi Police Station on October 28, 2023 and the child had been placed in a care facility in Tete, Mozambique.

The Permanent Secretary emphasized Zambia's commitment to safeguarding children's rights, citing the Children’s Code Act of 2022 and the Anti-Human Trafficking Act of 2008 as critical legal pillars for child protection.

“These laws mandate the state and relevant actors to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of children, especially those at risk of trafficking,” Ms Kawandami said.

She added that the success of the operation highlighted the importance of Zambia's National Referral Mechanism, which ensures a coordinated, multi-sectoral response to trafficking cases.

“Through effective collaboration between the Ministries of Community Development and Social Services, Home Affairs and Internal Security, and the Zambia Police Service's Anti-Human Trafficking Department and Interpol Unit, the child was returned safely after a year of continuous efforts,” she said.

Ms. Kawandami also took the opportunity to raise awareness about the growing threat of human trafficking, urging the public to remain vigilant and report any suspected cases.

And Ministry of Home Affairs Director for Anti-Human Trafficking Boris Mulengu praised the strong cooperation between Zambia and Mozambique, underscoring the significance of inter-governmental collaboration in combating human trafficking.

Meanwhile, the child's mother expressed deep gratitude for her child's safe return, acknowledging the emotional toll the abduction had on her.

She thanked the Zambian government and all involved agencies for their dedication in securing the return of her child.

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Drought Inspires Community Led Climate Action in Zambia´s Kamilambo Village


Tree planting activity in Kamilambo Village


Amidst the challenges posed by the El Niño- induced drought which has affected 9. 8 million people across Zambia, a community- led initiative to preserve trees and restore those that have been lost has emerged in Kamilambo Village, Chief Kaindu´s area in Mumbwa district.

Situated about 140km from the Zambia´s Capital City Lusaka, Mumbwa district is one of the drought-stricken areas and has been a hotspot for tree cutting and charcoal production over the years.

The district is now grappling with the impact of the drought, which has posed significant threats to agricultural productivity and livelihoods. The drought has exacerbated existing vulnerabilities, particularly for communities reliant on traditional farming practices.

In April, the Zambian government banned charcoal production permits in Mumbwa,  Itezhi-tezhi and Shibuyunji districts in an effort to address the escalating climate crisis and curb deforestation.

The ban prohibits the issuance of Cord Wood Permits for charcoal production in the designated districts. Stricter enforcement measures, including enhanced patrols and penalties for non-compliance, are being implemented to ensure adherence to the directive.

According to then Minister of Green Economy and Environment Engineer Collins Nzovu,  his Ministry had recorded increased levels of deforestation and land degradation due to illegal and massive cutting down of trees for charcoal production, in the three districts.

It takes a community

The traditional leadership and community members of  Kamilambo Village in Mumbwa  have since taken a proactive stance towards climate change and forest preservation in the area.

The community has recognised the detrimental impacts of massive tree cutting, particularly for charcoal production on the local environment and the severe drought affecting the country and has mobilized to implement effective measures.

Senior Village Headman Moses Mulamfu ,78, told this reporter that the community has established a customary law that punishes individuals found cutting trees, stressing the community's commitment to preserving their natural resources.

 “Cutting down of trees is now a very serious offense in this chiefdom and if anyone is found doing it, we charge them with goats according to how many trees they have cut,” Headman Chama said.

He added that the law has proved to be effective, as there has been a reduction in charcoal burning activities in the area and for three people have seen charged so far.

“Charcoal kilns were everywhere, but we no longer see that anymore, because we have come together as a community to try and put this to an end,” he explained.

The Community has also taken a proactive approach to diversifying local economies and reducing dependency on charcoal production by promoting alternative livelihood activities such as beekeeping, organic tomato growing, and poultry among others.

Another Senior Headman, Lawrence Kabalakasha ,56, said the community is not only aiming to address environmental concerns but also create sustainable income-generating opportunities.

However, Headman Kabalakasha, appealed to the government and other stakeholders for support for the success and scalability of these alternative livelihood programs.

“Support in terms of funding, training, and infrastructure development, can help strengthen these initiatives and ensure their long-term sustainability,” he said.

From An Ex-Charcoal Burner's Perspective

Oliver Sondashi ,34, is one of the youths in Kamilambo village involved in the charcoal burning business five years ago and cut down hundreds of trees yearly in the area.

Oliver, who is now an advocate for climate change and one of the frontliners of the community-led initiative, decided to abandon the charcoal business after realising he wasn´t making enough money from it to feed his family and the effects it had on his health.

 “I was in the business for five years and I never made good profit, the people who benefit more were those that bought charcoal from us to go and resale in the city. I was also constantly experiencing serious chest pains,” he said.

As an advocate for climate change, Oliver plays a crucial role in raising awareness and mobilizing his community to address environmental issues.

“Trees play a critical role in mitigating climate change because they have the ability to absorb and store carbon emissions. Most people in this community including children are now aware of the effects of cutting trees because we have community meetings where we discuss these things, we also do door-to-door campaigns and target schools,” he said.

Women Taking the Lead                  

The women in Kamilambo village are also actively participating in shaping the future of their community as far as ending deforestation is concerned and Jacqueline Chiyema ,40, is among them.

Jacqueline who has lived her entire life in the Village is leading tree plantation across the community.

According to her, charcoal burning has done more harm than good to the community, pointing out the decline in biodiversity, evidenced by the disappearance of birds, butterflies and other animals.

“Nowadays, we don’t see birds, butterflies and many other animals like back in the days. We don’t also get to have wild fruits because most of the trees have been cut, we need to restore the trees,” she said.

She observed the urgent need restoration of the local environment and the importance of preserving it for future generations.

“Restoring trees will not only help to mitigate climate change but also promote ecosystem health and resilience, providing essential recourses for both wildlife and our community," she said.

Another woman Eunice Mulamfu ,53, noted the exploitation of children in charcoal burning, saying it does not only deprive them of their right to education but also exposes them to hazardous working conditions and undermines their overall well-being.

 Eunice, called for a permanent end to charcoal burning in the village, as this will protect children in the community and the promotion of their access to education and a safe environment.

These narratives paint a picture of resilience, collaboration and determination in the face of climate change challenges. By harnessing community-driven solutions and support, initiatives like those in Kamilambo village offer hope for a more sustainable future in Zambia and beyond.

Sunday, 14 July 2024

The Hidden Health Crises of the Charcoal Trade Affecting Mothers and Children


Charcoal business is not only hurting Zambia’s environment but also causing serious health challenges.

A glimpse into the charcoal trade at Lupili Market

Various quantities of charcoal ready for sale at Lupili Market.

 By Annie Zulu

At 3 PM (15:00hrs) Zambian time, Lupili Market in Mandevu Compound, one of Lusaka's largest hubs for the charcoal trade, is alive with the sounds of women energetically negotiating deals and selling charcoal in various quantities.


After spending just 20 minutes in the market, I already looked like I had been dipped in charcoal dust from head to toe. I suddenly developed a cough, and my eyes became teary from the charcoal dust particles that filled the air. Instinctively, I reached for my scarf to cover my mouth and nose.


"This is what we normally deal with here every day," 62-year-old Mervis Kunda, a charcoal trader, teasingly tells me as she repackages a 90kg bag of charcoal into smaller quantities in readiness for sale.


Kunda has been in the charcoal trade business for over two decades. She buys pre-produced charcoal in 90kg bags from rural producers, mainly in Mpongwe and Kapiri Mposhi districts. At Lupili Market, a charcoal trading hub adjacent to Heroes Stadium in Lusaka, she repackages the charcoal into smaller quantities to cater to various customer needs, ensuring flexibility in pricing to match market demand.


According to her, a 90kg bag normally costs between K150 (US$6) and K250 (US$10). However, due to the recent charcoal production permit ban in some districts by the government, the cost of charcoal has doubled, pushing prices significantly higher than usual.


Charcoal trading has been the only source of livelihood for Kunda, a widow, mother, and grandmother. Through this business, she has managed to build a home and provide for her family.


Despite the financial profits, Kunda acknowledges that engaging in the charcoal trade business poses significant risks, not only to the environment but also to one's health. For years, she has experienced persistent chest pains and coughing due to prolonged exposure to charcoal dust.


Charcoal Traders’ Reliance on Kachasu: A Costly and Dangerous Remedy

Kunda said she takes a shot of locally-brewed spirit, commonly known as Kachasu, every day. She believes it helps clear the inhaled charcoal dust from her system and is cheaper than other remedies.


Kachasu is an illegal, highly intoxicating spirit, distilled in drums through a homemade system. It is consumed mainly in rural areas and poor urban suburbs of Zambia.


"Before, we used to take milk, but not anymore. It's expensive and not that effective. Kachasu has proved to be very effective; it was even used as a preventive substance against contracting COVID-19 during the outbreak," she added.


Next to Kunda's trading space is Elizabeth Phiri's, a 32-year-old single mother of two who sells charcoal in small, flimsy plastic packets.


Phiri appeared unconcerned as black charcoal dust adorned her skin, hair, and clothes, even reaching her exposed pot of food nearby. She has been in the business for four years now, and like Mervis, she also takes Kachasu to cope with the health risks of breathing charcoal-contaminated air at the market.


"Charcoal hurts our chests when we breathe, but there's nothing we can do because we need to survive and put food on the table. A shot of Kachasu daily helps us clear the charcoal dust from our bodies," Phiri said.

Elizabeth Phiri after having a meal at the charcoal dust polluted Lupili market

Another trader, who wished to remain anonymous, often brings her toddler daughter to the market due to a lack of childcare options. She disclosed that she sometimes gives her daughter Kachasu to protect her from the effects of charcoal dust.


"I normally feed her milk to neutralize the dust, but if milk is not available, I let her have a sip of Kachasu instead," she said.


Warning from health expert


Medical practitioners warn that relying on alcohol as a solution can lead to its own health problems, such as addiction, liver damage, and exacerbation of respiratory issues.


Dr. Joseph Banda, a General Practitioner advised against this practice as it can cause other serious health challenges.


"There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that alcohol can mitigate the effects of charcoal dust inhalation. Using it as a coping mechanism can only lead to serious health problems," Dr. Banda said.


Hidden health crises

The stories of Lupili Market charcoal traders highlight the significant health risks that many women, who are often the primary traders in this industry, face in order to survive economically.


Recent findings from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) show that women's involvement in charcoal production and trade has increased across the country, especially in packaging and trading already processed charcoal.


While charcoal traders believe that drinking locally-brewed spirits helps them cope with the effects of charcoal dust, medical experts say it is not a medically recognised treatment or preventive measure.


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 4.2 million people die prematurely every year from illnesses attributed to ambient air pollution worldwide. Many of these people live in underdeveloped countries like Zambia, where air pollution levels exceed WHO air quality guidelines.


Dr. Banda also stressed that prolonged exposure to charcoal dust inhalation has several health effects, including respiratory irritation, pulmonary issues, and carbon monoxide poisoning, among others.


"Particles of charcoal dust can reach deep into the lungs, potentially causing inflammation and damage to lung tissue. Charcoal can also produce carbon monoxide, which can be harmful when inhaled in high concentrations. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, dizziness, nausea, and even death in severe cases," he added.


Climate Change Activist Rachael Nyambe stressed the need for more alternative income-generating opportunities, adding that such initiatives would not only alleviate the health risks faced by people involved in the charcoal trade but also tackle the pressing issue of deforestation in the country.


According to United Nations (UN) statistics, Zambia’s deforestation rate is a staggering 250,000 to 300,000 hectares per year, one of the highest in the world. Charcoal and wood fuel production is listed as one of the primary reasons behind this.


“By diversifying livelihoods away from activities like charcoal production, communities can reduce their impact on forests, thereby mitigating adverse effects such as droughts linked to deforestation,” Ms. Nyambe said.


Resignation to the situation

Back at Lupili Market, when asked if she has ever sought medical help for her condition, Kunda dismissed the idea, saying it would be a waste of money and time.


“Even if I go to the hospital, I will still come back here and be covered in charcoal dust again because this is my work, so I don’t see the point,” she said.


This story was published under the Wildlife Crime Prevention (WCP) Zamba Environmental Crime Journalism Fellowship.

Monday, 15 April 2024

UNMASKING STICKER: The Cruel Drug Destroying Zambia's Street Children

A 16-year-old boy inhaling sticker


Bare feet, dirty clothes, foul odour and holding small transparent bottles filled with water-like liquid close to their mouth, is a sight that everyone is quite familiar with of street children in Zambia´s Capital Lusaka.

In those small bottles is a drug, which they call sticker, and it is currently their hot favourite.

Homeless as they are, they run menial errands, beg from motorists and at the end of the day, whatever little money they make goes into buying sticker.

But has anybody asked the obvious questions; What is the composition of this sticker? Where is it coming from? And how does it get down to street children?

To find the answers to these and many more questions, this reporter delved deep into the operations of the street, uncovering an epidemic that is destroying the lives of vulnerable children on the street.

Survival on the Street

The investigation began with a series of interactions with the street children at two spots where street children are found namely, the church road underbridge and National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) area.

In order to have access to these spots and the children, this reporter had to engage street leaders who are the street adults because the street is like a government, it has its own rules and leaders who can be brutal.

At Church Road under-bridge, almost every child had a bottle of sticker in their hand, and it was being sold in the open.

 A 14-year-old boy shares drops of sticker with his friend.

Shaky and attired in a dirty old t-shirt, a 14-year-old boy “Dalitso”, whose real name has been changed like other children in this investigation to protect them, inhaled the fumes from the bottle in his hands and smiled in relief.

When asked what was contained in the bottle, Dalitso said it was jet fuel, but it's called sticker on the street because of its addictiveness.

“It comes from the airports, there are some people who gets it from there and sell it to us, there are found at city market.  My everyday sticker budget ranges between K1 to K20,” Dalitso said.

According to him, sticker inhalation is a survival mechanism on the streets, as it helps him cope with cold, hunger, fear and struggles.

Like most children, Dalitso cannot survive a day without inhaling and recalls how he was once sodomised by an adult for sticker.

“Young girls are sexually abused for a drop of sticker and the boys get sodomised in exchange for sticker, it happened to me once when needed it badly, but had no money,” he explained.

Another boy “James”,16, also disclosed that he buys sticker from agents on the street and City Market.

He acknowledged that despite sticker being a survival lifeline for him and his friends on the street, it was highly dangerous.

“It's an instant killer. It can rip off intestines when consumed and it is flammable.  I am always careful when inhaling it,” James said.

At NIPA area, street children were stranded, as they had fled the Bombay drainage, a place they considered their home due to flooding caused by heavy rains and despite this predicament, they had their sticker intact.

 “Precious”, 15, told this reporter while pulling a bottle of sticker to her nose, that she was introduced to it by her friends on the street.

Like her fellow street children at the Church Road under-bridge, she also attested to sticker being jet fuel, but however said she gets it from Chaisa compound, one of Lusaka´s highly densely populated low-income neighbourhoods with high rate of crime.

Another girl “Grace” ,15, who is also addicted to sticker explained how she has mastered the art of begging for money from motorists and passer byers to buy sticker.

“You need to look very hungry for people to feel sorry and give you the money. It usually works,” she said.

And one of the sticker agents found on at this spot who sought anonymity, said he orders sticker mainly from City Market and Chaisa Compound to resell to street children and expressed guilty about his business.

“I know this is not a good business, the only way to stop this is by arresting the people that package and supply it,” he said.

The exact number of street children in Zambia remains unknown, with some reports suggesting a figure of 75,000, while others argue the population has more than doubled.

Lusaka is believed to house the highest number of street children, with majority of them being addicted to drugs.

Gaps in the law

Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), which is a department under the Ministry of Home Affairs mandated to prevent and control illegal cultivation, production, trafficking and abuse of Narcotic drugs, Psychotropic substances and money laundering activities in Zambia is aware of sticker and its composition.

DEC Head of Chemical Department Choolwe Kaliba confirmed in an interview that sticker was made of Jet fuel.

Choolwe Kaliba - Head of Chemical DepartmentDEC

Mr. Kaliba however, said the commission cannot investigate or make any arrests with regards to sticker, as it was not listed under the unlawful drug substances in the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of the Laws of Zambia, where one can be charged if found in possession or trafficking.

“We are already given a mandate to look at narcotic and psychotropic substances, but sticker does not fall in those we are mandated to control. It has remained a substance which has an effect in the line of what we control, but not among the product we are controlling, so that’s the challenge we are having,” Mr. Kaliba said.

The dangers

For over a decade, Footprints Foundation for Children in Zambia has been providing outreach support to vulnerable children in Zambia, particularly those living on the streets, orphans and victims of abuse.

A 9-year-old boy shows his scar due to sticker intoxication.

The organisation´s Director Vasco Svellino,  noted that sticker inhalation severely affects the sight, which has resulted in many children being hit by vehicles.

“We provide decent burials for children who die on the street and most of the deaths we deal with are of children who are bashed by vehicles. When they are high on the sticker, their sight is affected,” Mr. Svellino said.

According to Medical Expert Dr. Bright Makenzie benzene exposure and inhalation causes serious health implications to children, especially to their brain.

“In Science we call them hydrocarbons, when they take that benzene, it has an effect on the transmission of neurons. The way at which the natural body responds to information is different from when there are chemicals involved,” he said.

Tracing the exploiters

Undercover operations were conducted in the two places that were mentioned as the major suppliers of sticker in Lusaka during interactions with the street children: City Market and Chaisa Compound.

With the help of a Sticker Agent and while posing as a street adult, putting on dirty clothes with unkempt hair, this reporter managed to buy a 750ml bottle of sticker from a restaurant along the Lumumba Road at City Market from a man who seemed to be in his late 40s.

In Chaisa Compound, a 20-year-old ex-sticker addict “Muzo” who is also in support of ending substance abuse among children agreed to go undercover to reveal some of the places where sticker is sold like hot cake.

In a video captured on a hidden camera, he exposed a man selling him a 250ml bottle of sticker at K150 on a road leading to Chaisa Market where all sorts of illicit alcohol, including drugs are sold along this road.

Muzo also visited a house in with Chaisa Compound where a small crowd had assembled, including young children waiting to be sold different drugs.

The Children´s Code Act

In 2022, Zambia´s President Hakainde Hichilema signed into law the Children´s Code Act, which seek to promote the rights of children and protect them from all forms of abuse and exploitation.  

Section 20 of the Act states that “A person shall not subject a child to the use, production, trafficking or distribution of hallucinogens, alcohol, tobacco products, drugs or precursor chemicals.

It further prescribes a minimum sentence of 10 years imprisonment, or a fine not exceeding one million penalty units to the offender.

Beatrice Muyambango- Department of Child Development Director, Ministry of Community Development and Social Services

Department of Child Development Director at the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services Beatrice Muyambango said the Act was in effect and warned perpetrators taking advantage of vulnerable children by supplying them with any form of drugs.


“The Children´s Code Act Compels everyone who comes into contact with children to be aware that these little human beings have rights, despite their age or irrespective of where they find themselves. Selling drugs to children is a crime ant it goes with a punishment,” Ms. Muyambango said.

Call for Action

Regional Psychosocial Support Initiatives (Repssi) Zambia, Head of Programmes Chilekwa Chisanga called for inclusion in the implementation of the Children´s Code Act, stressing that the plight of street children is seemingly invisible.

“Let the implementation of the children´s code act also touch on children who are living and working on the street. It’s a child protection issue. And if the Government says every child is the child of the state, we must then think of children in all set ups,” she said.

This investigation unearthed a distressing reality of street children being trapped in a cycle of exploitation, violence, and manipulation, with stickers being employed as a cruel instrument of control.

The sticker leaves indelible physical and emotional scars on their innocent souls, therefore urgent action is imperative to address this grave issue.

Immediate measures must be taken to safeguard these vulnerable children, providing them with comprehensive support, rehabilitation, and a pathway to a brighter future.

Furthermore, those responsible for perpetuating this heinous abuse must face swift and resolute justice. Let these findings serve as a clarion call for accountability and change in the face of this abhorrent injustice.

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Witchdoctor Faces Alarming Allegations of Child Exploitation

  By Annie Zulu Chilufya Chileya, 54, widely known as Kalonga Kanono, a prominent Lusaka-based witchdoctor, is facing allegations linking ...